Scott Abels has made a fat handfull of chapbooks and broadsides, mostly from stealing resources from MFA programs. he is from Nebraska or he is from Kansas, at times from Idaho, but he is never from California. currently, he is Professor of English at the fabulously unaccredited Universidad del Mar on the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico, where he gets bit by dogs. he is beginning to believe in magic.
Helene Achanzar lives in and loves the Midwest. sometimes she writes. sometimes she flies kites.
Shane Allison has not written a poem in over two years because he has sold his soul to the writing of erotic fiction. his chapbook of po’try I Want to F**k a Redneck, is out from Scintillating Publications. drop him a line if you would like a copy.
Hosannah Asuncion grew up near the 710 and 105 freeways of Los
Angeles. she currently lives near a 3/4 stop in Brooklyn and here.
Christopher Barnes. Chanticleer published his 1st collection, Lovebites, £2.40 from Richard Livermore, 6/1 Jamaica Mews, Edinburgh EH3 6HN. Chris is also a policital activist for RESPECT, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and Stop The War—and is very into Northern Soul music.
when Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal isn’t writing or working, you can find him each September, rocking out in the desert at the annual Cracker/Camper Van Beethoven Camp Out in the Yucca Valley. his first chapbook, Without Peace, was relased this summer (2007) by Kendra Steiner Editions.
Tamiko Beyer is a member of Agent 409, a queer writing workshop that meets each week in an undisclosed location. she is currently knitting an orange string bikini, hopefully to be completed by next summer.
Julian T. Brolaski co-curated the Holloway Poetry Series at UC Berkeley from 2004-2006 and the New Brutalism series in Oakland from 2003-2005 (with Cynthia Sailers). Brolaski is the author of Letters to Hank Williams (True West Press, 2003), The Daily Usonian (Atticus/Finch 2004), Madame Bovary’s Diary (Cy Press 2005) and the defunct blog Swimming for Dummies (under the pseudonym Tanya Brolaski). sie lives in Brooklyn and is writing hir dissertation on rhyme in medieval, Renaissance, and Apache poetries.
Avery Burns lives in Walnut Creek and BARTs to downtown San Francisco on a daily basis. other than currently re-reading the Romantics after a 25 year hiatus, he’s trying to keep a low profile.
Laura Carter lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
Jennifer Chang’s first book of poems, The History of Anonymity, is forthcoming from University of Georgia Press. she began reading Our Mutual Friend this summer and still has 200 pages to go.
Del Ray Cross does not consider this work.
Oliver de la Paz is the author of two books of poetry: Names above Houses (SIU Press 2001) and Furious Lullaby (SIU Press 2007). he is currently mastering “Strutter” on Guitar Hero II.
Jennifer Dannenberg. go go go.
Peter Davis has a book of poems called Hitler’s Mustache. his son, who’s almost 5, really likes that “Conquest” song on the new White Stripes CD. it’s about to drive everyone crazy.
Marco Giovenale is the bodyless head who trembles and howls behind a counter full of some twenty-nine thousand stacks of piles of packed pyramids of dusty tomes and volumes in an antiquarian bookshop in the very centre of Arkham (once known as Rome). he’s editor of e-zines and I-problems. his main activity is climbing ladders, wasting time, telling the customers “sorry – try again next month”. age: 38. cage: 7.
Rachel Gray rocks.
Kevin Griffith’s new book is Denmark, Kangaroo, Orange, which won the 2006 Pearl Poetry Prize. he lives in Columbus with his wife and three kids and teaches at Capital University, consistently ranked as one of the top ten most generically named universities in the country.
Kate Hall has been wearing the same dress for three days. she is thinking of getting her bangs trimmed because they are covering her best feature. she has a little red dog named Flynn and over two hundred Barbies in various stages of undress.
Megan Hartline was once a secretary for an entomologist.
Alexander Jorgensen. wakes up indulging in queer tirades. counts as one of his dearest friends the late Robert Creeley. has suffered from existential homelessness while learning to communicate. attempts to remind the developed world just how apples once tasted.
Janine Joseph was born in the Philippines, and now lives in both California and New York, where she recently completed her MFA at New York University. she is a Kundiman fellow who recently won a poetry contest by shaking her hips.
Scott Keeney lives with his two kids and their mom in Connecticut where he is soaking up the best days of the Bush presidency: first a halfway decent attempt at immigration reform, and then the colonoscopy—just wow. his self-published blogbooks include Pickpocket Poetica and Sappho Does Hay(na)ku.
Rathanak Michael Keo is Cambodian-American food addict. he is weary of drive thrus and waiters because he cannot order food correctly in any language.
Rong Lee lives in New York and works in Chinatown. he is an enthusiast of the Japanese obstacle-course game show Ninja Warrior, which he is currently training for. or talking about training for.
Joseph O. Legaspi is the author of Imago, a poetry collection from CavanKerry Press. born in the Philippines, he now resides in Manhattan and works at Columbia University. he co-founded Kundiman, a non-profit organization serving Asian American poets.
Cassie Lewis is a poet and writer living in Rochester, New York. she is a postcard fan from way back.
Christina Lopez. Fruit fly extraordinaire,/ social worker superhero/ I feel tingly and minty fresh.
Nicholas Manning is in denial over Serge Gainsbourg’s death. his new chapbook, Novaless I-XXVI, is out from Achiote Press. he is the editor of the video-forum for contemporary poetry and poetics, The Continental Review.
H.E. Mantel is an Aquarian Male, Poet/Writer Published and Posted Online; Musician-Vocalist, an avid Reader, Athlete, and Devotee of Holistic Health through Vegan Lifestyle, Ecology and His Writing to Help Our Earth to Heal. He Resides in Florida.
Sonia Mukherji is a Kundiman fellow. she has previously been published in The Little Magazine and Stylus. when she’s not writing, she enjoys collecting fables and devising stratagems.
Sara Mumolo is related to every other living Mumolo. she has great hair and luscious bangs and works as an Information Specialist at the Fantastic Freedom Institute.
Mika Nagasaki is a happy Kundiman poet, Nisei (or 1.75-sei), and multi-lingual translator (in no particular order). she keeps her hair long because she does not like to blow-dry in the mornings.
Laura Navratil recently moved to Alabama. she has discovered the most foolproof way to kill roaches: whacking them with pink checkered Vans.
no, Andy Nicholson has never flown a helicopter. he wishes such rumors would end.
John Oakey is an undergrad at Brown until 2010 who enjoys Billy Collins’s poetry, Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go, and loves his mother (nothin’ strange about that!).
Ronald Palmer is a lazy hippie with a corpo-haircut that he washes with Kiehl’s Lecithin conditioning shampoo, which smells like baby love so soft. logicalogics is updated periodically to amuse your mouth.
Soham Patel teaches at the University of Colorado. she had one dreadlock once.
Paul Siegell has lived amongst the Cathedral of Learning, the Magic Kingdom, GA 400’s King & Queen, and now the Liberty Bell. all this nincompoopery began from a road trip starting at Exit 35 on the L.I.E. check out what concert parking lots (“Whooo’s got my publisher?”) he and his friends have goofed around in at ReVeLeR@eYeLeVeL.
Doreen Wang waves.
Debbie Yee is an attorney who writes poetry by lunch and night. she lives in San Francisco, but encountered Charlottesville, Virginia as a Kundiman fellow. she serves on the boards of Asian American Women Artists Association and ZYZZYVA.
Stephanie Young lives in Oakland by Lake Merritt. she wants to move to a single-story dwelling preferably on somewhat firmer soil, like even Temescal looks better per the shaking hazard maps. her book is Telling the Future Off. current projects include Deep Oakland.
Tim Yu lives in Chicago, teaches in Toronto, almost never blogs here, and uses Perfect Coat dog shampoo.