
Dustin Luke Nelson

Two Poems

Selective History Poem (I)


1483 – Martin Luther born – 1546
1509 – John Calvin born – 1564
1543 – King Henry VIII establishes The Church of England
1559 – Elizabethan Settlement
1611 – King James Bible
1621 – 1st Thanksgiving
1630 – Quadequine introduces American settlers to popcorn
1675 – King Phillip’s War


1483 – Jews expelled from Andalusia
1509 – Earthquake in Istanbul kills 10,000
1543 – Japanese receive first guns from Portuguese
1559 – Ikeda Motosuke born – 1584
1611 – Shakespeare writes “The Tempest”
1621 – Pope Gregory XV becomes 234th Pope
1630 – First year of Deccan Famine, kills 2 million, lasts two years
1675 – Emperor Higashiyama is born – 1710

Selective History Poem (II)


1765 – 1st appearance of Gothic literature
1783 – Treaty of Paris
1809 – Edgar Allen Poe born – 1849
1837 – Telegraph invented
1859 – George Eliot publicly revealed to be a woman
1867 – Canada liberated from British rule
1889 – Eiffel Tower completed
1896 – Noble prize established


1765 – Stamp Act passed
1783 – Laki erupts for 8 months in Iceland, kills 9,350
1809 – Illinois territory created
1837 – Michigan is made the 26th state of the USA
1859 – Work commences on the Suez Canal
1867 – Working class men in Britain enfranchised
1889 – Lord Alfred Tennyson writes “Crossing the Bar”
1896 – 1st modern Olympics

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