Eileen Tabios – Before and Beyond Foam

Eileen Tabios

Before and Beyond Foam

        — for Barry

On a white balcony.  Stone.  Sunlit Atalya.  Vases overflow with magenta.
Does tongue linger on honeyed fingertip for evoking a different woman than the
one who formed your yesterday?  Both distracted you for observing how hair
becomes a shield.  Lips discern hint of stewed roses.  Quince.  The flurry

descending from left field settles now on the railing.  Forms an improbable small
goose.  With “mischievous” ebony eyes.  Hardly an agitated Tasmanian.
Beyond, the Mediterranean flows a shimmering skirt of blue velvet.  Lucid
sapphire.  You blink into its depth and feel her lovely translucence.  Limned by
thin scented strands.  Scented.

How to measure depth?  To quantify what a tango holds back?

Gauze fluttering from the open walls of white gazebo.  In the distance.  What is
too much?

Sticky skins.

Fuck the salamanders! (Well, and her…)

“She shall_______”     O, she shall

Another enchanted you yesterday for evoking the peeking eyes of the one who
shall, o, who shall

Blood on finger.  Surprise.  When you bit — another escalation of your longing.
O, you shall __________

“Since we have been a conversation and been able to hear from one another,”
Holderlin reminds…

You shall ____________________________________

And ________________________________________

And ________________________________________


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